Life is too short to not be flourishing!! However, only 17% of people are actually flourishing. Healthcare workers are some of the most challenged and some studies are suggesting over 50% of healthcare workers have some aspect of burnout.
take control of
Positive psychology is a new field of study that uses rigorous science to answer the question, ‘What’s right with you? And, how can we build more of that?’ Tired of feeling overwhelmed, underwhelmed, overworked, underpaid, disengaged or over-stimulated?

Be Like An Olive Tree.
Olive trees are alternative bearing crop which means they grow a lot of fruit one year and then mostly branches the following year creating a “short crop”. They produce less crop in year one in order to produce a large crop in year two. In addition to being a symbol of peace, olives are also a metaphor for how rest and rejuvenation are essential to productivity.
Christine Carter– “Relax into your Sweet Spot”
Mindful, June 2015

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Your Best Self.
How do you want to show up in the world? Consider what you really want to contribute to the world and how.
I am so excited about partnering with you to see what is in store for you from our time together. I am sincerely honored to participate in your life journey and be able to anticipate your growth in an area that you might desire growth. I want you to be able to trust the process and the person, pursue your dreams with vigor and joy, accept feedback and challenges and get results.
Diane is a speaker,
consultant, teacher & coach. She holds a certificate in applied Positive Psychology from the Flourishing Center and a PhD and MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. She has worked in healthcare administration in organizational excellence, patient safety and quality. She is especially passionate about helping Individuals, especially health care workers, thrive.
She has training and extensive experience in process improvement including lean and six sigma. She has formal training in Leadership, Baldrige and is a Six Sigma Blackbelt.
Diane is a Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner, and a Certified Applied Positive Psychology Coach. Diane holds a an advanced certificate in executive coaching from the John Townsend Institute for Leadership and Coaching. She is also trained in the Bounce Back Better (B3), Crucial Conversations® and Flourishing Skills Group® facilitator and the TownsendNOW RolePLAY Coaching Certification. She also completed Financial Master Coaching training with Ramsey Solutions. She is completing The Science &Practice of Coaching Abrasive Leaders from the Boss Whispering Institute.
Diane is a member of the International Coach Federation(ICF), The International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), and the Institute of Coaching. She is a member of the Boss Whispering Institute.
Diane C Frndak.PhD, MBA, CAPP